Records (1CC)

This is a list of shooting/action games I have cleared/looped in a single credit run (1CreditClear). Games qualifying for 1CCs are those A.) with a credit system; B.) without a save/password system; C.) "arcade-style" i.e. will reset if the play session is abandoned. Game settings are specified in parentheses. Difficulty ratings are based on how much time, study, and luck were required to clear, and only relate to the specified conditions. Ratings for 2015-2021 are not equivalent to those from 2022 on, see note at bottom.

2P2CC = 2-players, 1 credit each, both players must reach ending
Green = easy mode, will return to play normal
Strikethrough = superceded
Red = Current focus

1CC in roughly chronological order

  1. 2015-2021, 1CC completed (STG) - difficulty rating (1-5)
    1. Gate of Thunder (Normal) - 2
    2. Star Parodier (Normal) - 1
    3. Space Harrier II (Normal) - 2
    4. Soldier Blade (Normal) (1,843,800) - 4
    5. Summer Carnival '92: Recca (1-loop) - 3
    6. M.U.S.H.A. (Normal) (133,512,040) - 2
    7. Cho Aniki (Normal) (600,290) - 3
    8. Axelay (Normal, 4-speed) (720,000) - 4
    9. Omega Five (Ruby & Tempest & RAD) (3,339,740) - 1
    10. Lords of Thunder (Normal) (The score fades out immediately!) - 4
    11. Forgotten Worlds [Genesis] (Normal) - 1
    12. Deathsmiles (Normal, Rank 1-2, Rosa) (96,905,195) - 3
      1. Deathsmiles [MBL] (Normal, rank 2/3, Sakura) (248,006,842) - 3
    13. Prehistoric Isle 2 (Lv4, Green) (43,201,000) - 2
    14. Bio-Hazard Battle 2P2CC (Normal, top-right ship) (176,900) - 2
    15. Deathsmiles II X (Rank 2, NoEX, Follett) (1,889,213,109) - 1
      1. Deathsmiles II X (Rank 2/3, NoEX, Lei) (st1 restart/no score) - 2
    16. Gradius Gaiden 2P2CC (Normal, Falchion β) (314,760/325,370) - 5
    17. Gradius [NES] (1LC at loop, 2-1) (539,200; 593,100) - 4
    18. Wild Guns (Normal, Annie) (2,372,010) - 3
    19. Wild Guns Reloaded (Easy, Clint) (2,413,370) - 3
    20. Devil Engine (Very Easy, Andraste) (436,428/D) - 3
    21. Pop'n Twinbee (Lv4) (1,244,100 at loop) - 2
    22. Samurai Aces (Lv4, Tengai) (734,300) - 3
    23. Thunder Force AC [Sega Ages "New"] (Normal; 1,731,120) - 2
      1. Thunder Force AC [Sega Ages "Old"] (Normal; 1,284,110) - 2.1
    24. G-Darius HD 2P2CC (default, Omicron) (5,558,170/5,362,460) - 3
  2. Year 2022. easy mode. kuso advent. (1)=1st/2nd session. (2)=a week. (3)=weeks. (4)=months.
      1. Eschatos (Easy, Original) (11,282,775) - 2
      2. Eschatos (Easy, Advanced) (23,091,379) - 2
    1. Rolling Gunner OverPower (Norm/Orig, RX, auto, True-All) (3,453,675,730) - blind
    2. Batsugun Special (defaults, Type A) (5,054,450 at 2-4) - 1
    3. G-Darius HD (default, Lambda, missile-only) (15,838,040, 65th/112th Lb.) - 4
    4. Super Star Soldier (no setting) (4,692,000) - 2
      1. Bike Banditz [v1.2] (Easy, x7 lives, Althe, Homing, Auto-bomb) (26,763,372) - 1
      2. Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Spirit, Switch/Easy, Type-BB) (76,628,936) - 2
    5. Seirei Senshi Spriggan (Hard) (11,925,830) - 2
    6. Super Aleste (Normal) (5,730,080) - 1
    7. Gunhed (Normal) (12,970,030) - 2
    8. Final Soldier (Normal, Short/Wipe/Burn2/Homing) (3,384,100) - 2
      1. ESP Ra.De Psi (Super Easy, Yusuke) (14,345,990) - blind
    9. Download (no setting) (587,200) - 2
    10. GG Aleste (no setting) (1,309,480) - 1
    11. GG Aleste 2 (Normal) (1,930,390) - 1
    12. Aleste [SMS] (no settings) (no miss - 4,447,480) - 1.5
    13. Power Strike II (Normal) (3,030,750) - 1
    14. Aleste 2 (Normal) (7,821,360) - 2
    15. Eschatos (Original, Normal) (6,152,980) - 3.5
    16. Nexzr (Normal) (2,660,270) -
    17. Override (no setting) (1,561,400, loop 2-4 suicide) - 1
    18. Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire (Easy/default xtend) (609,620) - 2
    19. Mushihime-sama HD (Normal, Original, S-Type, Super-shot) (9,372,607) - 4
      1. Crimzon Clover World Ignition (Novice, Original, Type I) (324,165,170,920) - 1
    20. Dead End City (Normal, Rockset) (1,841,365) - 2
    21. Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton [PCE] (386,330, No miss loop 1, 2-4) - 2
    22. Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (JP/Miyamoto/8th/1-ALL) (691,016) - 1
    23. Elemental Master (Normal) (372,670) - 2
    24. Fantasy Zone [MD] (Normal/15Hz/Old) (1,339,400) - 2
    25. Fantasy Zone (Normal/10Hz/JP) (1,447,900 / 1,483,300) - 2
    26. Aleste [MSX] (no setting) (5,314,980) - 1
    27. Musha Aleste (Hard) (132,698,580) - 2.5
    28. Zanac EX (no setting) (10,515,290) - blind
    29. Zanac [FDS] (no setting) (8,853,180) - 2
    30. Space Harrier II SP (Normal/Autofire) (24,308,200) - 1.5
      1. Accla Inti Raymi (???????) (842,150,451) - blind
      2. Maho Shuu (no setting) (1,283,410) - blind
      3. BomberBomber Gaiden 2 (Normal, ABEHMRX) (3,657,470) - blind
      4. Storm Gear (407,831) - 1
  3. Year 2023. red = incomplete
    1. Sorcer Striker (WW, Miyamoto) (1,857,920)(SSF4TES) - 2
    2. Castle of Shikigami 3 (Wii/Arcade, Normal, Hyuga-2) (3,111,381,420) - 3
    3. RayForce (30hz shot, 5hz laser) (3,502,200) - Flipgrip - 5
    4. Gunvein (Mild, Type-C) - Genesis - 1
    5. Dodonpachi DAI-OU-JOU (BL, 1-ALL, B-Shot) (51,560,310) - SSF4TES - 5
    6. Gunstar Heroes (Normal, Fixed) (5,365,435) - Genesis - 2
    7. Guxt (Standard mode) (14,220) - SSF4TES - 1
    8. Crisis Wing 2P2CC (defaults) (1,470,530/1,708,360) - SSF4TES - 4
    9. Sin & Punishment (Normal) (50,048,543) - Pro2/Type3 - 3
    10. Gana Blade (Hard) (82588700) - M30 - 1
    11. Harmful Park (Normal) (2904071) - M30 - 1
    12. Sanvein (Medium, IW route, Gluon-Photon) (59,902.2) - M30 - 2
    13. Wild Guns (Hard, Annie, JP (T-W-D-M) (2,883,960) - SSF4TES - 3
      1. Wild Guns (Hard, Clint, US, (T-D-M-W) (3,704,470) - M30 - 3
    14. Wild Guns Reloaded (Normal, Clint) (2,737,760) - M30 - 3
      1. Wild Guns Reloaded (Normal, Annie) (2,727,900) - M30 - 3
    15. Wild Guns Reloaded (Hard, Clint, Switch) (3,135,350) - M30 - 3
      1. Wild Guns Reloaded (Hard, Annie, PC) (3,047,350) - M30 - 3
  4. Year 2024. RA 1.9.14 + FBN
    1. Mushihime-sama HD v1.5 (Original, S-Shot) (56,612,743) - M30 - 4
    2. Gradius [Arcade Anniversary] {1-ALL} (390300) - Switch - 3.5
      1. Gradius [JP original] {1-ALL} (418900) - M30
    3. Gradius [NES] {1-ALL} (712800) - M30 - 2
    4. Gradius II [FC] {1-ALL} (536430) - M30 - 1
    5. Gradius III [SNES] {1-ALL} (878500) - M30 - 2
    6. Gradius Gaiden {1-ALL} (Falchion / Force F. / Auto / SOD?LM) (624650) - M30 - 4
    7. Gradius Rebirth {1-ALL} (Type B) (414100) - M30 - 2.5
    8. Scramble {2-ALL} (53910) - M30 - 2
    9. Thunder Cross [JP] {1-ALL} (1080060) - M30 - 2
    10. Nemesis [US] {1-ALL} (331400) - M30 - 3
    11. stuff
  5. Year 2025
    1. ESP Ra.De. {1-ALL} (JB5) (16,373,460) - M30 - 5
    2. Mushihime-sama HD {1-ALL} (Normal/Original/S-Type/no super) (9,622,670) - M30 - 4
    3. Akai Katana HD Zetsu {1-ALL} (Tsubaki/Sumire) (217,656,282) - M30 - 3
    4. Akai Katana HD Shin {1-ALL} (Shion/Suzuran) (553,593,952) - M30 - 3
    5. Crisis Wing {1-ALL} (New Rev./respawn) () - M30 - 4
  6. Goals
    1. Air Gallet
    2. Castle of Shikigami
    3. Over OBJ
    4. Raycrisis TLB
    5. Caladrius Blaze
    6. Border Down
    7. Raiden IV
    8. Strania
    9. Gunvein INTENSE
    10. Castle of Shikigami 3 DRAMATIC CHANGE Emilio-Roger
  7. Other arcade-style 1CCs
    1. Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (four kisses) - 4
    2. Pulseman (defaults) - 3
    3. Super C (M-gun only) (342,950 at 2-6) - 3
    4. Contra III: The Alien Wars (Normal) - 4
    5. Contra: Shattered Soldier (Normal, B-rank) - 3
    6. Mega Turrican (Normal, Hard) - 1, 2
    7. Contra NES (2-loop) (1547700) - 3
    8. Contra: Hard Corps (JP) - 2
    9. Double Dragon II (Warrior) (?) - 4
    10. Contra MSX (???, 400,ISH) - 0, this game seems broken
    11. Jackal 2P2CC (577,000/296,090) - 2
  8. Racing 1CC completion time
    1. Outrun [Sega Ages] (A/B/C/D/E, 3/3, AT, JP) (E-19,548,470) - 4
    2. Virtua Racing [Sega Ages] (MT) (3'13"50, 3'15"00, 4'08"50) - 4
    3. Daytona USA [XBLA] (Arcade, MT) (2' 22"31, 3' 07"67, 3' 32"60) - 3
      1. Daytona USA [XBLA] (Trial, MT) (2' 22"65, 3' 08"10, 3' 39"56) - 3

1CC to-do list, ranked by proximity

  1. CAVE
    1. Guwange
    2. Espgaluda
    3. Mushihime-sama Futari v1.5
    4. Progear
    5. Dangun Feveron
    6. Akai Katana Slash 1billion
  2. Raizing
    1. Battle Garegga
    2. Dimahoo
  3. Taito
    1. Metal Black
    2. RayStorm
    3. RayCrisis
    4. Darius Gaiden
    5. Darius II
    6. Darius
    7. Blood Bros
    8. Various other configurations of G-Darius
  4. G.REV
    1. Border Down
    2. Strania: The Stellar Machina
    3. Mamorukun Curse
    4. Under Defeat
  5. MOSS
    1. Raiden IV (arcade)
    2. Caladrius Blaze (arcade)
    3. Raiden III
    4. Raiden V
  6. Psikyo / Video System
    1. Aero Fighters 2
    2. Strikers 1945
    3. Strikers 1945 II
    4. Sengoku Blade
    5. Gunbird 2
    6. Gunbird
    7. Dragon Blaze
  7. Other arcade
    1. Castle of Shikigami
    2. Castle of Shikigami 2
    3. Castle of Shikigami 3 scoring (Hyuga 5bil)
    4. Castle of Shikigami 3 dramatic change (Emilio-Roger)
    5. Giga Wing
    6. Homura
    7. Karous
    8. Gaplus
    9. Galaga '88
    10. 1942
    11. 1943 Kai
    12. 19XX
    13. Psyvariar Delta
    14. Fantasy Zone 2-ALL
  8. Toaplan
    1. Tiger Heli
    2. Twin Cobra
    3. Twin Cobra 2
    4. Flying Shark
    5. Air Gallet
    6. Batsugun (original)
  9. Compile
    1. Sylphia
    2. Zanac [MSX]
    3. GG Aleste 3
    4. Dennin Aleste (J)
    5. Aleste 2 (hard)
    6. Super Aleste (hard)
    7. Power Strike II (great)
    8. GG Aleste 2 (hard)
    9. Seirei Senshi Spriggan (super hard)
  10. IREM
    1. Dragon Breed
    2. Last Resort
    3. In the Hunt (???)
    4. Armored Police Vehicle Gallop
    5. Legend of Hero Tonma
    6. R-Type Delta
    7. R-Type
  11. Treasure
    1. Gunstar Heroes (hard)
    2. Alien Soldier (superhard)
    3. Sin & Punishment (hard)
    4. Sin & Punishment Star Successor (hard)
    5. Radiant Silvergun (???)
  12. PC Engine
    1. Override [1LC]
    2. Download 2
    3. Terra Cresta II
    4. Gokuraku Chuuka Taisen
    5. Cyber Core
    6. Psycho Chaser
    7. Psychic Storm
    8. Soldier Blade (hard)
    9. Gate of Thunder (devil)
    10. Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire (normal)
  13. Mega Drive
    1. Silpheed
    2. Atomic Runner Chelnov
    3. Rocket Knight Adventures
    4. Space Harrier '22
    5. Gynoug
    6. Aero Blasters
    7. Undead Line
    8. Mega SWIV
    9. Slap Fight
    10. Truxton
    11. Hellfire
    12. Zero Wing
    13. Elemental Master (expert)
    14. Contra: Hard Corps (US)
  14. Super Famicom
    1. Flying Hero
    2. SDF Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie
    3. Pocky & Rocky
    4. Pocky & Rocky 2
    5. Darius Twin
    6. Contra III The Alien Wars (hard)
  15. Famicom
    1. Battle Formula
    2. 1943
    3. Sqoon
    4. Super Xevious
    5. Crisis Force
    6. Sector Z
    7. Gunsmoke
    8. Legendary Wings
    9. Recca (1CC'd previously but need recorded score)
  16. Post-arcade
    1. Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch/normal)
    2. Rolling Gunner
    3. Judgement Silversword
    4. Natsuki Chronicles
    5. MechaRitz
    6. Nanoforce
    7. Devil Engine (very hard)
    8. Eschatos (advanced/hard)
    9. Ginga Force (score attack)
  17. Doujin
    1. Tsukihime no Shiro
    2. Patriot Dark
    3. ChoRenSha 68k
    4. Xeno Fighters R
    5. Crimzon Clover
    6. Kaikan
Difficulty assessment
1/1/2023 the difficult ratings before 2022 are mostly to be ignored, they are based on a time when i played purely casually and didn't set goals and focus on clears.

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